Way to Monitor My Child’s text Messages For free
There are many parents that have made the same query that “How to Monitor My Child’s text Messages For free?” If you are the one among those looking for the answer of the same question then you are at right place. You are not only the one but many are there who are still looking for the answer to the same question. In today’s world of the highly computerized, huge amount the personal data is stored in the smart mobile phone. Some might be useful but also others might be destructing. That is the reason why many tools are available in the market that allows the parents to keep the full eye on the text messages of the child.

Here in this post, you will see the best way to hack the text messages from the child device
If you are searching for the best solution to the problem that how to monitor text messages for free then using reliable spyware is the right choice. The best one will definitely help you in assisting in overcoming such issues. TheTruthSpy is fully reliable and secured way of monitoring the device of kids without letting them know. This tool is fully dedicated to worried parents for activities monitoring. Also, a user will find ranges of features that will help you in hacking the victim device with full ease. No doubt this is a powerful tool that is 100% compatible with iOS and Android device. Just created a user account and follow the instructions to hack the child text messages.
Steps to follow
Register and choose OS
Open up TheTruthSpy official site using the link (https://thetruthspy.com). Hit on signup for creating a user account. Now you need to fill in the details like email ID and password. After the wizard is set up, enter the name of the target device, age, and OS.
Complete the Setup
Monitoring the text message on iOS
- Fill in iCloud account information like iCloud ID and password.
- Hit on verify option and wait for a few seconds.
Monitoring the text messages at Android
- Get the physical access to Android OS and download the app from the official website.
- Enable the unknown sources for installing the app. Just enable it by hitting on setting and then to the security and then enabling the unknown sources.
- Install the wizard on victim android OS and open by hitting on its icon. Open the app and fill in the account details.
Monitoring the text messages through remotely
Visit the app website and open up the control panel and hit on messages at the left side of the screen to see the messages.
Why use the app
- Access the text messages– TheTruthSpy is considered to the best solution for tracking text messages for free. By getting involved with the app a user can easily view all the received and sent messages of victim phone.
- Tracking location– This is another demanding feature that allows tracking the real-time location of a person. It will tell whereabouts of one with full details.
Now you come to that how are text messages tracking possible easily. Just get the app installed and see with whom your child texting and what conversation is going on there.