Hack Facebook messages without password by TheTruthSpy app without letting them know about it!
In the past few years, technology has increased rapidly, though, with the rapid growth, social media has also set their parameters very high! Talking about social media? The first thing which pops out in your mind is “Facebook”. This social application has set their blaze very high in the entire world. Facebook has more than 3 million active users around the globe, Facebook is known as the father of all social networking sites. Though with immense followers and popularity, it has become one the most essential and integral part of our day to day lives. According to our research, we found out that, many people are also keen to know the in and out of Facebook, as being the most wanted social platform the most searched hot topic in search engines we found out was how to hack Facebook messages without password!
Website: https://www.facebook.com
In the field of digital marketing, Facebook gets a major importance and is being loved and used by millions of people. Now you might be wondering why people prefer and love Face book rather than other social networking sites. Face book is an optimum source to share and say what is going a happening in our day to day lives, from sharing photo to uploading videos, to birthdays/ anniversaries/ travel plans and locations. You can share and see in this app, though because of Face book sharing of such events in our lives have made it very easy.
Sometimes, Face book gives you doubt and anxiety of knowing what if your loved ones are doing an unknown activity to which you are totally unaware? Or you might not be comfortable with? What if their photos or status give you doubt to spy on their movements? What if you think there is hiding something in their Face book messages? What will you do for this? How can you snoop into their Face book messages? You can hack! Yes, we said hack! You can hack a person’s Facebook by using spying application software without using their passwords. Don’t worry by the end of this article; you will be able to know and understand what spying applications do, and how it will help you to hack a person’s Face book.
Before we start talking more about spy application to hack someone’s Facebook, The, most important thing you should keep in mind before you start the process, is isolate yourself in a place where nobody can interrupt your work can’t be able to know what you are about to do.
Read: How to spy on someone’s Facebook messages
There are various tools and apps available in the market, if you are seeking to hacks someone’s Face book messages. These spy apps help you to read and spy the messages of the person you doubt. All you need to do is, you need to register first under the service provider you are going to use to spy on someone, and then you can avail the subscriptions of their packages online by paying a minimal fee. After this, you can use any electronic device which has a proper internet connection to monitor the person’s activity. The main advantage of using spy apps is that they give you an ability to spy on someone without letting them know or giving in hint of someone is spying on them.
Which is the Best Facebook Hack App
The most affordable and recommended Facebook spy app software is the truth spy, by the name itself you get to know what the app does! This truth spy app truly defines itself by giving the best results with its latest technology of cell phone monitoring. TheTruthSpy software is easy to install, and yet compatible with every device. Once you install this software, on a device you can monitor the activities of Facebook messages, Text messages, Call logs, GPS locations. This app also able you to monitor activities on your computer device, web browsers and even in MAC! Download truth spy app now from this link https://thetruthspy.com and get a free panel for 48 hours on your Smartphone to spy on someone.
Important features of TheTruthSpy app which will help you to hack Facebook messages:
- Key logger: Instead of wondering and wasting your time in figuring out a person’s Facebook password. You can download key logger to your devices, from which you can gradually check on the person’s message. The key logger generates what the targeted user is typing in their mobile, whether it’s his username or password, as soon as the app detects it whenever the person types you get to know immediately. With the help of key logger, you can generate a person’s Facebook password and username or email ID in just a second.
- Notifications and alerts: If the targeted user has changed his SIM card or even memory card from his Smartphone, you will get a notified SMS on your number. TheTruthSpy app gives you this features which no other spy app will give you, in today’ time if a person wants to hide something from you will definitely hide in their Smartphone’s in the form of hidden apps or on Facebook archived messages. TheTruthSpy app offers to notify these activities via SMS or call which the targeted user does on their cell phones.
- Undetectable app: The truth spy software is 100 percent undetectable app, as the application runs in the background without giving any hint to the user. You can directly download this software on the targeted cell phone you wish to spy on.
Know more features about the truth spy app software:
- GPS Tracker: GPS (global positioning system) is a technique to know a person’s position and entity. The GPS tracker shows you the actual position with exact location with the track of movements of a person. TheTruthSpy app offers GPS tracker which can be placed in a mobile phone, vehicle or any particular device. This feature helps to be very beneficial for the people who deal with transportation or have any doubt on their kids, spouse or partner. With TheTruthSpy app GPS tracker, you can get the listed locations of where the target phone has traveled on, with the specific time/date and location. All these activities are directly uploaded to your control panel where you are accessing the truth spy app.
- SMS Spy: TheTruthSpy app helps you to look down at all the SMS messages, Facebook messages sent and received via the way of mobile texts or via the Facebook or other social networking sites. With TheTruthSpy app, you can look at the target’s SMS Inbox, archived box, deleted box and sent messages. You also get the detailed information of the recipients and the senders with their number and name.
You might be wondering why you need to spy on someone’s SMS. Well, the present time if you talk about your own kids, spouse or partner is not loyal, intentionally or not intentionally once in a while they are going to lie to you. By hacking text messages on their phone or via Face book, you can keep an eye on their activities.

- Spy Call: The truth spy activates the microphone on the targeted cell phone, by which you can listen to all the details, sounds of people that call on the targeted cell. TheTruthSpy app monitors the number, sync data in every 60 minutes and also able you to check the GPS interval. You can spy call and know what the targeted user is talking with whom, where and what! Listen to whatever is happening in the targeted phone vicinity.
- Call Recording: with the help of this feature you get to have a track of all the call records the targeted phone has received and dialed. TheTruthSpy app gives you the ability to record all the conversation, as there are many times when you are unable to listen the calls of targeted phone in real time, though in such situation the call recording app records all the calls received and dialed so that you can listen to it in your free time and you never miss anything. The call recording app also gives you detailed information of numbers, record time with their names.
- Ambient voice recording: TheTruthSpy app has a special feature apart from call recording, spy calls and SMS tracker that is an ambient voice recording, this trait enables you to listen all the small detailed voice and noises in the surrounding of targeted phone. With this special feature, if the targeted user is trying to hide something behind your back, and covers the lies of phone calls he or she received or dialed up by him. With this aspect you can easily detect what is going behind their back, where they are traveling and with how many people. This app also supports the social networking sites, like if somebody made a call on Facebook, you get the track of that too!
- WhatsApp spy: Truth spy also helps to spy on WhatsApp messages. As many people tend to use WhatsApp as a medium of conversation, calls, and video calling to their friends and family. This feature helps you track down all the message details with optimum date and time done on the targeted cell phone. The truth spy app completely hacks down all the details of conversation of WhatsApp messenger which provides you detailed information of audios, videos, and pictures that are been received and sent by the transmitter and results in optimum tracking benefits.
- Social chat monitoring: The turthspy app gives you the feature of social chat monitoring, which gives you all the details of social messaging apps such as face book, Skype, hike,WhatsApp, etc. By this feature, you can know what other social networks that are installed on the targeted device, not only this you can get to read and know all the conversation that are taking place in the such social messaging applications on the targeted device. You can control all the activities related to social chat monitoring on the control panel of TheTruthSpy app. In addition, to make it simpler and easier to understand for you the date and time are also mentioned along with the conversation you receive via SMS on your spy phone app.
Install Mobile Spy TheTruthSpy for Android
Install Mobile Spy TheTruthSpy for iPhone
Benefits of using truth spy app to hack Facebook messages

– Catch Cheating Spouse
If you have doubt on your spouse or partner and wonder if he or she is doing some unusual activities behind your back from their cellphones, and is keeping distance from you, or you feel like he or she is lying to you. You can find out the truth by installing TheTruthSpy app on their Smartphone’s. We understand how painful and dreadful it is to know your spouse is cheating on you. But being disheartens and sorrowful is not a solution to this problem. If you are unable to find out, whether your instincts are right or not whether he is cheating or you are just over thinking on this matter. You can take help of TheTruthSpy app to remove all such doubts from your mind. With the help of spy applications you can hack your spouse cell phone, social networking sites, call logs and what not! The truth spy app is one of the best catch cheating spy application in today’s time, as it makes it easier and similar to catch your cheater spouse.
– Employee Monitoring
The spy apps are introduced as the latest invention to monitor employee on your devices. As in this competitive world, every businessman wants to seek the strategy of their competitors to lead ahead in their business. The mere reason to download the TheTruthSpy app in targeted devices is to monitor and examine the activities of your competitors. The truth spy app tends to be the new innovative monitoring application which can be installed in any electronic device. You can be able to access call logs, messages and even GPS location of your competitors with the help of TheTruthSpy app. You can be ahead of your game, if you properly use this technique and avail ample benefits of this feature.
– Parental Control
The parent control application in TheTruthSpy app is similar to the software application. Though, the parental control has some different activities such as the tool controls the tracking list, locations, records and backups without taking your permission. The parental control is similar with mobile applications; all it differs is due to its excellent performance. It also enables you to control different applications on your cell phones. You can operate other applications too with the help of TheTruthSpy app application.
– Backup & Find Lost Phone
Apart from helping in spying your loved ones, TheTruthSpy app also enables you to find lost phone and restore backups which are accidentally deleted or lost in the files. In addition, the truth spy app can help you to find out your lost phone, if it’s stuck in a storm, lost inside or outside your house, lost in forest or anywhere around the city. With the help of truth spy app software, you can rescue your lost phone, by the special feature the app holds with it known as trace mode feature, it helps to locate GPS position of a device in real time. TheTruthSpy app can trace and track a person’s location, device and can even restore backup. This is one of the most beneficial features as it can save one’s life too.
How to download and install the truth spy app
To download TheTruthSpy app, you should have the targeted device for the person you want to spy on. Here are some steps to know about the process of downloading and installing:
- Configuration
Before you start out the downloading process, ensure that the targeted has a working and supported internet connection.
The second thing to keep in mind is that the targeted device must allow installing applications of nonmarket apps.
- Install TheTruthSpy app directly to the targeted device
Browse https://app.thetruthspy.com from the targeted device and download it directly to it. After the download completion opens the notification window and installs it.
- Register yourself
TheTruthSpy app will ask you to register an account to its panel, get yourself register by clicking the register money. Well, if you already have registered to its user panel, then you can directly click on the login button to join your personal device in the account in which you will be able to access the activity of targeted person.
- Install TheTruthSpy application
After registration, TheTruthSpy app will prompt all the permissions that need to be accessed on your device. Accept all the permissions, and then it will be installed automatically.
It is now well known to you that the truth spy app is the best hacking tool for social networks and to spy on someone’s device. This tool includes features which no other spy application has when it comes to spying and hacking the most recommended and preferred software is TheTruthSpy application.