The best option to Revealer Keylogger
Do you know what Revealer Keylogger is? If not then this is the right place to know about it. Revealer keylogger is the important keylogger solution. Downloading it is free of cost and it is updated regularly. This software have witnessed about three million downloads and it is rated high. If we talk about highly recommended keylogger then it is TheTruthSpy. Now, you may think why only TheTruthSpy? Well, you will get the answer once you read the article further. First, we have a small description on keylogger that will let you know what keylogger is and why it is used.
Learn more about Revealer Keylogger at:

What is keylogger
Keylogger is software which is made to track and record details of the phone like the call logs, passwords, keystrokes, patterns, GPS location and so on. The main purpose of its use is to monitor the children, workers and the partners. For using this surveillance software first you need to download it and install in your device. When you log in and start using this software then the recording is sent to log life and it is saved there.
Best Alternative to Revealer Keylogger: TheTruthSpy Keylogger

TheTruthSpy is a spy software which is in great use at present and this software act as a parental control for the kids and also employers make use of this software because it is very easy to use it. There is no complex procedure involved in using it and thus, parents of any age who have or who do not have knowledge about the tech toys can use this spyware. This spyware is currently available for download on the link .
Once you download and install this spyware from this link you have to access the control panel to spy on the target device. For accessing the control panel you need to create an account making an ID and password. Log in with the ID and passwords you created and then from control panel make settings to spy on the target device.
Once you log in to the control panel of TheTruthSpy you will be able to use the features as given below
Features of TheTruthSpy App
Call log spy– using call log feature the user is able to discover the call details like the outcoming and incoming calls, deleted call history, recently called number and so on. You can view the number which is dialed or received and also, you can see the call duration as well as the date of the call. All these things are done without touching the mobile of the target person which is the best thing. When you don’t have to access it physically then there will be no doubt of being detected.
Ambient listening– this is an exclusive feature on TheTruthSpy which is used to hear sounds around the device. Surrounding voices and sounds are recorded and the clip is sent to a control panel. Control panel can be accessed by you anytime by logging in and listen to the recording which is uploaded in user panel. To use this feature of TheTruthSpy you have to make a hidden call. This feature is best for use to hear the conversation taking place in the lock room. Only TheTruthSpy offer this feature and there is no other spy app till now which provide this feature.
Live call recording– you can select the number from contact list which you want to get recorded. This feature will automatically work and start making a recording when the call with the selected number comes on the target device. This recording is available for you to listen on the control panel. You can listen to it anytime and also you can record it.
GPS tracking– this is the useful feature offered to parents who wish to see the location of their kids. They can locate their child mobile, in turn, they will get to know where their kid is and what are they doing. The kids can be protected if they are in danger by using this feature. You can see the location and reach that place which you think is unsafe for your child. Also, if your spouse cheats you and does not come home directly after completing their work then you can check their location and know where they visit and what they do.
Internet activities spy– browser history and websites visited by your child and spouse can be malicious or unsafe. They may ignore this fact but you can’t. When you use this feature of TheTruthSpy you will come to know about the contents which they view. If you think the content and websites they visit are not useful or inappropriate then you can block those websites.
Record app usage- this is an important feature for the parents who want to know what their child does in their mobile. They can see a recording of app usage and see which most used application is and which one is the least used app. If you find that your child is wasting his/her time on the gaming app or social media apps then you can restrict their usage by blocking them.
Keylogger– passwords, patterns, and gestures used on the target device to access various apps or to unlock the device can be recorded using this feature. Thorough Keylogger you can get the forgotten password of the device or accounts. This is the very useful feature of TheTruthSpy which can be used to determine the password of the target device.
Spy social media accounts- your kids and spouse may use social media apps like Instagram and Facebook but you will not know about it because they are smart enough to hide these apps. You can use this feature and know what things are done by your kids on social sites. Also, if your spouse is making use of dating apps like tinder then you will come to know about it.
So, with all these features of TheTruthSpy, you will become a detective or spy and you will be able to spy your child present in any corner of the world. So, hurry up and get this amazing spyware today.