Employees monitoring may seem like something used by an organization that does not trust its employees, but installation of monitoring devices in your company has many advantages. Since it is not possible for you to monitor your workplace every time, you can use monitoring systems that keep you aware of everything that is happening in your company. Employee monitoring is basically used to enhance customer satisfaction, employee performance, and productivity. An organization can keep track of its employees by using different monitoring systems. Continue reading to find out more about ways to detect employee monitoring.

Call monitoring
The first way of monitoring your employees is through call monitoring system. In this system, all live calls made by employees are listened and recorded. The person who is observing can sit closer to the employee making calls. The observer might be a secret unknown caller and evaluate the person by acting like a customer. The observer may also use a headset to listen the calls sitting in a separate room. During the telephone call, the observer can take notice of the employee and fill up an evaluation form to evaluate the phone call and give responses to the employee.
Computer Monitoring
Computer monitoring is carried out with the help of computerized systems that automatically collect information about job performance of employee. There are many kinds of computer monitoring. For example, computer software can monitor employee performance and keystroke speed, specifically for those who perform data entry and word processing jobs. It can also be utilized to determine how much time workforce spend away from computer or stay idle or to check out what is being saved in employees’ computer. Some companies make use of video display terminals to track the mistakes made by employees.
With the help of this system, a company can keep track of an employee’s performance. This kind of system helps supervisors to carry out other tasks without the need to continuously observe the employees.
Video surveillance
Another kind of employee monitoring process is video surveillance. It is the monitoring of employees by using different video cameras placed either in noticeable areas or secretly so that the employers can’t see them. Company uses these video cameras for detecting any type of employee misconduct, monitoring his/her job performance, and safety threads. These small fish eye cameras may go unseen for weeks. Simultaneously, they can provide very useful surveillance information.
Email and Voice Mail system
This system is used to monitor email and voice mail. With modern technologies, companies can easily monitor emails and voice mails, even though employees have removed messages from computer or voice mailing system. Companies can also use encryption method to protect email privacy, which includes the message scrambling at the sender’s computer and un-scrambling them at the receiver’s end. This is mainly used to prevent professional “spies” to access email, but employers can still have accessibility to un-scrambled messages.
The technique of spying is performed when administration secretly notices other employees or managers. The employees under investigation normally do not know about this type of investigation. This helps to know about the behaviour and any kind of misconduct. You can try TheTruthSpy Spy App . It allow you track location, spy sms, call recording, live voice recording and many features.
Active Badge
The last type of monitoring is active badge system. It uses a small transmitting unit. Sensors allocated throughout the work area get signals from these badge systems and pass on them through a cost-effective network to servers. These servers convert the signals into useful information that may be accessed by the office LAN. Employers make use of active badges primarily as a tool to find out when somebody is not available. This system saves numerous wasted visits and telephone calls, and minimizes telephone traffic.
The employee monitoring is must for any employer as it helps them to create an environment that is positive for the work and they also get to know how the environment can be made better so that employees productivity increases with the same. So, do look forward to monitor your employees in a better way and you will be taken care from them in other ways as well. Upraise them according to their work, nourish them, make them skilled will definitely give them happiness. So, do start with today and make your business a success in the coming time. With proper monitoring of employees as this is one of the best method to synchronize your business. So, monitor them and let them know your feedback to improve upon.