There are various employment opportunities in the world where people have to showcase their talent and work hard to get success; however, if you are a parent, the world’s toughest job for you is parenting. To become a successful parent, you not only have to deliver them the best care, but you even have to guide your child like a teacher and monitor their activities like a spy. Today’s teens are more advanced and demand more freedom at a young age. They have numerous opportunities which allow them to explore their virtual world. Gadgets like Smartphone, computers, laptops even the smart watches allow them to communicate at any point in time with the help of an internet connection. But, with advancing technology, the concern of parents also increases towards their children, especially the teens.

In the cyber world, parents always have a fear of their child being bullied or harassed by unknown people and social media criminals. And it’s not possible for them to always monitor the physical presence of their children by staying around them. Therefore, parents always seek for someone or something which can keep an eye over their teens.
One of the best solutions to their problem could be TheTruthSpy app. This software or application is developed in a particular manner and allows the parents to track all the movements of their children over a particular device. The application could be used to an Android phone or an iPhone as well. The application is easy to install and collects all the data such as the text, audio and video conversations along with tracking their periodic location. The application saves and uploads all this data on the online portal which can be accessed by you from anywhere with the help of your authorized ID and password.
The features of TheTruthSpy app which will make your parenting task easier-
GPS Tracker– the user control panel of this application allows you to detect the location of your child’s device over the map or directly send you its GPS location. Through this feature, you can immediately find out whether your child is safe or not. Most of the times, kids even make excuses of coaching or tuitions and go to other places. Thus, you can find out their location and can catch them red handed.
Monitor internet activities– well the internet is a wide platform, and the main reason why most of the parents use this software is to detect their child’s activities online. It gives the parents access to the browsing history, text, audio and video conversations along with all other activities which are being performed by the target phone online.
View multimedia files– nowadays, teenagers prefer to chat through sticker pictures or videos. With the help of TheTruthSpy app, the parents can get a view of their kid’s phone gallery through which they can see all the multimedia files such as audio messages, pictures, and videos which have been transmitted from one person to another.
Spy call feature– after installing TheTruthSpy app on their child’s phone, the parents can also make a fake call to the target phone. The call will be automatically received, and you can hear everything that’s happening around your child. This feature helps you to detect your child’s location in real-time.
Purely undetectable- once the application is installed on your child’s phone, it is not possible for him or her to detect whether the presence o such an application over their phone. Their devices will normally work as they did earlier, but all the data will automatically get saved as soon as they start using the phone. Even if the phone is turned off or not in use, the location and incoming texts or calls will get recorded.
Contact history- a lot of kids have a habit of keeping their phone locked with passwords. But TheTruthSpy app works as a key to all the locks in a device. It can even access the contact details and the call history. The application will record the overall details such as contact number, the time duration of the call and what conversation has happened over the phone.
These were only some of the features of TheTruthSpy app. However, its benefits do not end here. The application is a complete security package which not only keeps your children safe but also allows you to relax and stay tension free from all the concerns. The application is one of the best supporters which make your parenting task simpler.